There has lately been much discussion about skill shortages in the Australian labour market, particularly in the last few weeks. With both major political parties promising to address this issue in their respective federal budgets, it seems appropriate that we examine the importance of apprenticeships.
The apprenticeship model is a good one. Learning on the job while drawing on the skills and experience of seasoned professionals is an excellent way to gain skills. It works well for our industry, and nothing can really match or replace it.
At NTS, however, we view apprenticeships as programs not only for learning a trade, but also for learning how to do that trade with excellence. For us this means modelling and maintaining a culture of respect, integrity, service and excellence in all our day-to-day operations.
Recently, we welcomed two more apprentices to the team, Adrian and Phillip, as one of our other apprentices, Jonah, reached the final stages of his apprenticeship, which he will complete this month. By committing ourselves to furthering the education and skills of our team, we believe we are not just investing in the future of our company. We are investing in the futures of our individual team members.
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