Customer Need

  • A PA system for the school’s new building to replicate lesson bells and be utilised for emergency signals, that could be integrated into the older buildings’ existing system through a single user interface.
  • An integrated hearing loop system installed in the new seating area of the Innovation Centre’s theatre, as an add-on benefit.

NTS Solution

  • Investigate existing system and specifiy a Jacques 650 series system.
  • Develop a detailed integration plan to ensure correct replication of signals into the new build whilst retaining the flexibility and integrity of the new system.
  • Project-manage all site works and liaise with customer and third-party stakeholders to ensure all relevant construction milestones and budgetary targets are satisfactorily delivered. These include: procuring and delivering equipment; co-ordinating with customer and building contractor; and arranging access.
  • Manage and provide all logistics and associated facilities for freighting, warehousing and staging the PA equipment.
  • Work closely with the manufacturer to ensure correct design, specification and deployment of PA hardware.
  • Test new installation and interoperability with existing system.
  • Provide comprehensive documentation and end user training of the PA and Hearing Loop systems.
  • Provide fully updated As Built Documentation, detailing all relevant components of the new system.


  • Customer is enjoying the benefits of two PA systems integrated into a single user interface. The new system provides not only backwards compatibility, but also the foundation for future expansion and replacement projects into the future.