For some years, National Technical Services has been on a journey. Our destination? To attain ISO Certification in Quality, Environment, and Safety, and to develop an Integrated Management System. Our management systems are forever improving and so our journey will never be ‘complete’. However, we can celebrate a major milestone. In March 2020, our Safety Management System became the third of our systems to be Certified as meeting ISO Standards.
This journey began in 2012 when our Quality Management System was approved against (the now superseded) 9001:2008 Standard and we attained our first certification. ISO 9001 served us well for 5 years, but in 2017 we determined that to continue our growth, we needed to ‘upgrade’ our Quality certification to the latest 9001:2015 Standard and add Environment and Safety to our suite of certifications.
The Environment Management System was tackled next (selected due to a customer request), and was certified to ISO 14001:2015 late in 2018. The third and perhaps the most important system, Safety, was certified to ISO 45001:2018 in March of 2020.
Whilst the task of attaining ISO certifications is complete, our management systems will continuously evolve and improve as we find and implement better, safer and more efficient ways of doing things across our business. These ISO Certifications help us to ensure we live up to our motto and prove to our customers that our management systems are up to a reliable standard.
As 2019 progressed, NTS also saw an opportunity to attain engineering authorisation with Transport for NSW. According to their website, “TfNSW authorisation is conducted by assessing an organisation’s ability to deliver the defined scope of assured engineering services, and also rating the maturity of an organisation’s own systems and their deployment against the AEO requirements.”
This rigorous process was much like attaining an ISO certification, only more condensed and required many months of dedication from our team. In May 2020, NTS was confirmed as having met the requirements and can now proudly display, not only our three ISO Certifications, but our AEO status as well.
At NTS, we view our investment into our management and engineering systems as essential to our success. This is one of the ways we demonstrate to our customers our commitment to delivering technology solutions with excellence.