Here we are at the close of another year – and what a year it has been. It has presented us all with unforeseen, unprecedented challenges. Yet, thanks to the opportunities presented to us by our customers, the dedication of the NTS Team, and the support of our suppliers, we have successfully made it to the end. So as we look back on 2020, rather than dwell on the difficulties we faced, I would like to highlight and express my gratitude for all the good that has come of this year.
In March, we received ISO Certification for our Safety Management System, making it the third of our systems to be certified as meeting ISO Standards. Additionally, in May, we attained engineering authorisation with Transport for NSW, giving us approved AEO status. Thank you, Team, for your tireless efforts to bring this about.
But it is not only NTS that has attained certification. Numerous members of the NTS Team have also worked hard to develop their professional skills. From completing First Aid training to receiving a Certificate III in Telecommunications, our Team have particularly demonstrated this year their commitment to expanding their capabilities, to the benefit of NTS, our customers, and themselves. Congratulations on your achievements, Team!
2020 also marked one year since NTS acquired KBS Electric, and we have been delighted by the outcome. Through combining the wealth of experience and expertise of these two family businesses, we have been able to benefit our new and existing customers and our own team. Here I’d specifically like to thank KBS Electric’s customers who trusted NTS with their technology needs.
With all that has happened this year, good and bad, I feel more keenly what a privilege it is to lead and work alongside the excellent people of NTS, and to provide services and solutions to our valued customers. Thank you all for what has truly been a memorable year.
So from our family to yours, with joy and thanksgiving, we wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Shane Conlon
Managing Director of NTS
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