On the Edge

Edge Computing

In the development of Internet of Things (IoT) in smart buildings, the two most important elements are the improvement of interaction between system and user and the security of connected devices and systems.

However, one of the main issues with IoT is the centralisation of data. This is because it can cause speed reduction, inflexibility and vulnerability. A potential solution could be edge computing – processing the data produced by IoT devices locally.

In smart buildings, by decentralising data with edge computing, building managers have more control. Additionally, users are able to customise their system according to their preferences.

Like all technology, security is a primary concern, and the Edge is no exception. It could be argued that Edge Computing is safer because the data remains in the local area and is not travelling over a network. This means if one system falls not all data is compromised. However, while decentralising data is more efficient and convenient, it can open opportunities for hackers to access sensitive data, as Edge devices are less secure.

Securing Edge devices before they are implanted is of the utmost importance. Some elements that will greatly assist in protecting systems include data encryption, access control and virtual private network tunneling.

Source: www.asmag.com/showpost/27345.aspx

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